086 8296389 info@anmian.ie

Quit Smoking

Research shows most smokers will lose between 10 and 15 quality life years before they die and 1 in 2 smokers will die of a tobacco related disease.

Acupuncture can help people to stop smoking by reducing cravings and treating their withdrawal symptoms including stress and anxiety.

The treatment uses  auriculara Acupuncture, which involves needling the ear. It usually takes 1 to 3 treatments.

Weight Loss

Acupuncture is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but it is a powerful tool to boost the effects of both. 

It is widely used in china by both men and women successfully.

The treatment usually lasts  for 8 weeks.


Ernie McCarthy, B.Sc., Lic. Ac., NMT. By Appointment Only
Tel: 086 8296389 Email: info@anmian.ie Address: 2 Glencoo Park, Boreenmanna Road, Cork.

Member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland and the Association of Neuromuscular Physical Therapists.
© Copyright. Anmian Acupuncture Clinic. All Rights Reserved.